Using brabeion

Getting Started

class brabeion.base.Badge

brabeion works by allowing you to define your badges as subclasses of a common Badge class and registering them with brabeion. For example if your site gave users points, and you wanted to award three ranks of badges based on how many points a user had your badge might look like this:

from brabeion import badges
from brabeion.base import Badge, BadgeAwarded

class PointsBadge(Badge):
    slug = "points"
    levels = [
    events = [
    multiple = False

    def award(self, **state):
        user = state["user"]
        points = user.get_profile().points
        if points > 10000:
            return BadgeAwarded(level=3)
        elif points > 7500:
            return BadgeAwarded(level=2)
        elif points > 5000:
            return BadgeAwarded(level=1)


There are a few relevant attributes and methods here.


The unique identifier for this Badge, it should never change.


A list of the levels available for this badge (if this badge doesn’t have levels it should just be a list with one item). It can either be a list of strings, which are the names of the levels, or a list of brabeion.base.BadgeDetail which have both names and description.


A list of events that can possibly trigger this badge to be awarded. How events are triggered is described in further detail below.


A boolean specifying whether or not this badge can be awarded to the same user multiple times, currently if this badge has multiple levels this must be False.

award(self, **state)

This method returns whether or not a user should be awarded this badge. state is guarnteed to have a "user" key, as well as any other custom data you provide. It should return either a BadgeAwarded instance, or None. If this Badge doesn’t have multiple levels BadgeAwarded doesn’t need to be provided an explicit level.


BadgeAwarded.level is 1-indexed.

Now that you have your PointsBadge class you need to be able to tell brabeion when to try to give it to a user. To do this, any time a user might have received a badge just call badges.possibly_award_badge with the name of the event, and whatever state these events might need and brabeion will handle the details of seeing what badges need to be awarded to the user:

from brabeion import badges

def my_view(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        # do some things
        badges.possibly_award_badge("points_awarded", user=request.user)
    # more view

By default badges will be awarded at the current time, if you need to overide the award time of the badge you can pass a force_timestamp keyword argument to possibly_award_badge().

Asynchronous Badges


To use asynchronous badges you must have celery installed and configured.

If your Badge.award() method takes a long time to compute it may be prohibitively expensive to call during the request/response cycle. To solve this problem brabeion provides an async option to Badges. If this is True brabeion will defer calling your award() method, using celery, and it will be called at a later time, by another process (read the celery docs for more information on how celery works).

Because award() won’t be called until later you can define a freeze() method which allows you to provide and additional state that you’ll need to compute award() correctly. This may be necessary because your Badge requires some mutable state.

class AddictBadge(Badge):
    # stuff
    async = True

    def freeze(self, **state):
        state["current_day"] =
        return state

In this example badge the user will be awarded the AddictBadge when they’ve visited the site every day for a month, this is expensive to calculate so it will be done outside the request/response cycle. However, what happens if they visit the site right before midnight, and then the award() method isn’t actually called until the next day? Using the freeze method you can provide additional state to the award() method.